Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Increase Blog Traffic - Musings on Optimizing Blog Posts For Traffic

By Keith Goodrum
Here are a few tips I've relied on while writing posts for the blogs I run. I picked these up reading many blogs over the years. I've found these to helpful and hope they will help you in your blogging journey.

The reason blog posts are important - Publishing blog posts is important because people will consume as much information as possible. They are always on the look out for new content. Readers want to know the latest tips, techniques and strategies. Visitors also want to be kept up to date on the breaking news and cutting edge technologies going on in their niche.

Traffic needs to be targeted - Getting any traffic when you first start a blog is fun and exciting. After all, anyone showing up is validation of all your hard work.

However, after awhile you need to start focusing on getting targeted traffic. Readers who are interested, and active in your niche. You want to make connections with like minded people. In this case is about quality over quantity.

It's about the keywords... Sparky - So, how do you find targeted traffic? Simple, with good keywords. People type specific words in search engines while looking for information. They want to find websites with content answering their questions. And will visit sites on the first page or so of these search engines.

Here is where you come in... by using readily available keyword research tools you can find these keywords. You can then optimize your blog posts with these keywords. And get better ranking in the searching engines. Allowing you to take advantage of these powerful organic traffic websites.

It's OK to make money blogging - For some reason there is a group of people who believe blogging should be altruistic. In other words... you should blog for free, and shame on you for wanting to "make money"!

There is nothing wrong with earning an income from you blogging efforts. You should be paid for your expertise and experience. Other professionals are paid for their knowledge, and so should you.

You need to build a list - This is clearly one of the most overlooked keys to building a successful blog. Many if not most bloggers skip, or ignore list building. I was also in this bunch. I falsely believed you could get by, and sustain my blog by readership alone. Wrong, wrong, wrong! A list is critical for a couple reasons...

1. You can use your list to build loyal readership - One of the keys to a successful blog is retuning readership. You want people to return again and again. This keeps you in front of them and reminds them to come on back to your blog.

2. You can properly monetize your blog - You can earn money off things like AdSense, banner ads and affiliate marketing. And having a list enhances blog monetization.

How would you like more tips to help improve your blog? If so, I would like to invite you to visit my blog at http://www.KeithGoodrum.com You can check out my latest blogging tips, strategies and techniques.
From Keith Goodrum the Zero to Hero Blog guy.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Keith_Goodrum