Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Can You Make Money From Blogging

By Brian Schmitz
The Internet is filled with blogging sites and abundant resources, but there is still room for you to make money from blogging. There are thousands of blog sites available on the Internet and some of these will have the same content as yours. Follow these tips to give you an advantage over other bloggers. You will then have your own unique blog and search engines truly love original and unique content.

Create Your Own Style

Break away from the crowd. If there are 1500 or more blogging sites focusing on the same theme of "Can You Make Money From Blogging" and you copy the same blog title, you may very well fall into last place. Last place is not where you want to be. Find a theme title that will give the same content idea, but yet different enough that people will find your blog first instead of last. Once you get that unique traffic coming to your blog, you are on your way to make money from blogging.

Provide Original Content

Blog about what you are passionate about. Don't just copy various blogging articles and expect to have anyone read it. Your visitor has more than likely read the same blog somewhere else and they will click off your blog faster than they found it. You have to keep your customer interested. Learn to write original blogs, it's not that hard if you keep at it. Write at least 3 or 4 blogs a week and then post them. You will soon realize that you can make money from blogging.

Don't Combine Apples and Oranges

Keep your blogs aimed at the same subject. You can branch off a little but don't blog about baby shoes and then add a blog for growing roses. Your visitor will become confused and leave. Understand, they want a blog about a certain subject not several subjects all jumbled together. The key to how you can make money from blogging is to keep your visitor coming back for more. The more visitors you get to your blog site and more money you will make, it's that simple. Traffic relates to income.

Use Google AdSense

This is one of the easiest money generating devices you can use. Google will place ads on your blog for FREE. If your visitor clicks on that ad, you just made money from blogging. Now, you only receive a percentage of the what the advertiser paid for the ad but you made money.

If you have not started blogging yet you are missing out on a viable Internet Marketing tool.

If you want to learn more about how you can make money by blogging and have access to over 70 FREE articles on Google AdSense and Internet Marketing visit here.

Thank you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Schmitz