Monday, April 4, 2011

Raymond Lam Doesn't Care Ex Filming Cat-III Films

Raymond Lam was in TV City yesterday to shoot new drama "Return to the Three Kingdoms" (回到三國). He appeared to be feel better now after his photos leak. As for his ex Mavis Pan could star in a category-III porn film, Raymond immediately draw a line: "Then you have to ask her. I won't reply to things related to her anymore. I will only focus on my work."

Raymond expressed besides filming, he has started recording for his new Cantonese album and preparing for his July concert. Talked about he has a concert 3 years in a row, he said: "Yeah! I heard it's been a long time since a singer hold a concert for 3 years in a row. I will have more fast tracks this time. (Even harder?) I won't think about that. I just want the show to be good." He also disclosed he played with water in the first year and fire last year; he will play something new this year.

Source: ON.CC  / Translation: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment

[Kay says: LOL Raymond this weird]