Dj Handspin Dinero and my gurl, Uneek here to begin the preface of our TALK LIKE SEX FORUM but first let me git sum things off my chest first.
I just want to let all my emcees, dee jays, producers and dancers that I'm accepting all types of promos for review feel free to send me info and demo materials to djhandspindinero@yahoo.com
I also want to let everyone know that my RUSTY JABBZ RATING SYSTEM has changed. I created a new rating system to help these current and new emcees to step their lyrical game up to RUSTY JABBZ STATUS. Don't think cuz I'm a lil' internet newsletter that I do not know whuts real and whuts phony. I pride myself on being a HIP HOP ENTHUSIAST.
The new rating system will be as follows.......NEW RUSTY JABBZ RATING SYSTEM:
C. 3 JABBZ = METHAMPHETAMINE (if u can't say it all just say METH)
The reason for this rating change is because I' am disgusted at the current state of hip hop. I been disgusted with hip hop state of mind for years but I held on and kept the faith that HIP HOP WILL OVER COME! No more holding on to hip hop. HIP HOP SUCKS. I figure this rating system will give some sort of inspiration. Alotta you emcees out there spit the same ol' same ol'. What I'm saying there is too many SAMES in this GAME. SAME SUBJECT MATTER, SAME FLOW, SAME PRODUCERS, SAME BEATS, SAME PRODUCTION SIGNATURE, SAME GUEST APPEARANCES, SAME GHOSTWRITERS. There is too too many SAMES. This rating system will make it easier for me to review alotta you CORNBALL RAPPERS. Alotta u emcees out there rhyme style is as potent as GANJA so I know from this date. Mark it down, May 19th, 2009 every mixtape, single, album or whutever your material is going to be as good as GANJA. Alotta you emcees shud not worry about being HEREOIN STATUS anymore. Now its a success to be considered on a METHAMPHETAMINE STATUS.