Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hins Cheung Working On 6-Pack Abs

You don't really expect the good boy Hins Cheung to be this manly.

The R&B singer always have a thin body, but in fact he's trying to change that. Hins' god mother Kitty Pong uploaded a photo that Hins took at the gym. You can tell he's working on his 6-pack abs in this self-snapped photo.

It's known he has been working on this body for a while now, as told by Hins' good friend. Not only he works out a lot, he also eats lots of protein to help build muscle.

"I once saw him ate a plate of beef chow fun, a whole roasted goose, and a whole plate of chicken wings," says the friend.

By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment