Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Bowie Lam: Better Late Than Never

It is better than no celebration at all.

Bowie Lam, Wayne Lai, and Susan Tse etc attended to a celebration event called "TVB Programs Internationally Renowned Celebration," which is a celebration to praised TVB artists and staff for winning awards abroad.

Bowie, who once expressed his complaints for being ignored even when he crowned Asian TV King, was the most notable yesterday. In order to "calm" Bowie, TVB's GM Stephen Chan explained the reason for this "late celebration."

"Our company didn't forget you, hope you understand why. Every year we would wait until everyone got his/her awards, then we would hold a press conference to praise them," he hinted to Bowie on the stage.

Now got his celebration he deserved, what are Bowie's thoughts?

"Better late than never!," he replied to reporters.

The actor denied saying TVB is treating him coldly and hopes to act in other countries' dramas in the future.

TVB's TV King Wayne was also at the event and it was hard to avoid being compared with Bowie. TVB TV King versus Asian TV King, who is better?

"We don't talk about this!," the two TV Kings said.

Source: Oriental Daily / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment