That is what a metaphysician told her yesterday at an event. She pointed out the singer, 28, has a big chance of becoming a mom at 29 or 30. That made Ah Sa quite nervous, immediately asking back when is her next chance to have kids after she is 30.
As for to be a mom soon, Ah Sa will let it be, but absolutely not having kids before marriage. She plans to become a mom at around 35: "It's right to have kids around 35, having kids at 40 is considered to be late. Kids are gifts to you, not like you would have them if you want them. I once wanted to have many children, but I got scared after taking care of little ones on a show. Now I only plan to have 1 or 2."
Would the dad of her kids in the future be her current boyfriend William Chan? The Twins member expressed she is serious every time she dates someone and would see that person as her future partner: "I hope to work it out when I'm in a relationship. He's a pretty good partner, and is mature enough to be a dad. But let fate arranges everything."
Source: Oriental Daily / By: KAY @ Kay's Entertainment