Ella Forgotten by Her Senile Grandmother [As Long as I Remember Her, That's Enough]

Ella's first big screen drama won't start filming until next year but [Time that was Forgotten], a documentary that she had participated will be released at the end of this month. In the film, she shares with the audience her sadness in her grandmother's progressing senility: [I know that she no longer remembers me, but as long as I remember her, that is enough.], a sentiment that brings tears to those who heard this.
This year, to Ella who is currently studying aboard in New York, has been a year of somewhat tremulous changes. In addition to Selina, her S.H.E groupmate to whom she was as close as sisters, being injured during an explosion scene and remained in the hospital, in April when this documentary was filmed, she participated on camera with both of her grandparents, never expecting that three months later in July, her grandfather would pass away.
In the documentary, Ella took the rapid transit from Taipei back to Pingtung to visit her grandmother. The old lady had just soiled her pants from not able to reach the bathroom in time. She was holding a pair of clean pants to change into without realizing that she still had the soiled pants on. At one point, Ella was angry and questioned why was a nurse not hired to take care of her grandmother. Later she realized that no matter how careful a nurse may be, it could never compare to the care of family.
Grandparent and Grandchild participate in documentary segment lasted only 3 minutes
This documentary is the latest work of Golden Horse award-winning director Yang Li-chou. Although the story of Ella and her grandparents lasted only 3 or 4 minutes near the end, she hoped that from sharing this, it could bring more attention to the problem of elderly senility and that would be a good thing.