Translated by: Downwithloveella @ http://asianfanatics.net
Source: http://lywb.lyd.com.cn/html/2010-04/11/content_622258.htm
Last night, Luoyang's New Stadium was filled with excitement - "Asia's No 1. girl group" SHE overwhelmed the crowd with their opening. Tens of thousands spectators waved their fluoresence wands and joined in the excitement. However, in an area specially set up (Zone, are sitting a group of very young boy. Unlike the other fans, they are missing the fevourish excitement as they sit there quietly listening to SHE sing, some with their eyes full of tears.
They come from a high school, 洛阳一高, totalling around 60 students.
Recently, a news article regarding 洛阳一高 (high school) and the actions of its students was so touching that the concert organizers decided to invite the whole class to see SHE's "Love as One" concert which is fitting of its theme.
At 9 pm, about half way through the concert and the crowd is still high from the music performance. SHE's Ella suddenly shouted: "Everyone please be quiet, I would like to announce something, through "Luoyang Evening News ", we've learnt that a student of 洛阳一高 (high school) died unexpectedly and his classmates donated 39,000 yuan to help his family. They have also promised to care for his parents in the future, this is the spirit of "Love as One". The following song is dedicated to the deceased student Zhao and the its classmates. Please join us in singing the song "the distance"."
Due to the suddenness of Ella's actions, surprised audience in a sea of fluorescent quiets down. The students from 洛阳一高 (high school) quietly held up a typesetting "Love as One Forever from their class".
SHE, standing from one corner of the stage, began to softly sing and the huge stadium is adrift with "the distance". Some softly sang along while drying their tears.
Lyrics quoted:
但是只要看遠方 就能再堅定信仰
Dan shi zhi yao kan yuan fang jiu neng zai jian ding xin yang
You only need to look into the distance in order to firmly believe
只有最好的你能 給最好的愛
Zhi you zui hao de ni neng gei zui hao de ai
That only the best you can give me the best love
我很確定 不遠遠方 會有我們 愛的天堂
Wo hen que ding bu yuan yuan fang hui you wo men ai de tian tang
I’m certain that a nearby place will have our love’s heaven
After the concert, SHE met with a representative from the high school and presented them with a signed copy of SHERO and took a picture, hope this will be witness of "Love as One".