小肉圓 (2010/4/14 23:7:30)回覆:
我們一直盡量做到過程小心保密 但是真的防不勝防
從哪個環節流出去的 我們也一直在追查
但是希望歌迷們 為了保護Ella的權益 請不要一直在網路上分享
請大家把音樂拿下來 或者協助檢舉下架
From what I understand, she said that the song is really made by Ella. The leaked is a disturbing situation for them. They have been careful as far as possible (I guess they meant 'careful for the song to remain secret for now'), but it's really impossible to prevent (the leak). They are now tracing the links of the leaked song. For the fans, if you want to protect Ella's rights, do not share it on the internet.
I'm really happy that Baobei made another song again and it's really lovely. But I kinda feel sad that there's a leak again. I still wonder what is the song for. I hope they do release a solo album of Baobei. She composed so many songs already!
And I really love Say Goodbye! Just reading the rough translations, she is really in love. :DDD