Whats good people? here we are 2 weeks in thailand, Island hopping`: from Patong beach to Koh phi phi island, to Maya bay, to Krabi, to Suratthani, to Koh Phangan island, back to Suratthani and Phuket town. O'yes now that is what i called a paradise. It was beyond everything that matters in this world. You watched the movie "The beach" Leonardo DeCaprio yet? If so, ive been there, done that. Step my foot on those lands and oceans, i was breathing the air, it was amazing. I'm telling you, there is nothing i can say about what really happened out there. Indescribable. Beyond words, beyond description. yup! Nothing! haha. Alrite, here are some photos i like to post up to recall my journey as i roll down memory land. lol-

Now we just got to the pier in Koh Phi Phi Island, I fell in love with the place the second i laid my eyes on it. For me i had to say, this was my top 3 list of the most beautiful places i've been to so far..

Video of us just reaching phi phi island. Check it out:
if you can't watch the video, click here to also link you in youtube.
This is some night we had. A BUCKET of drink. You dont call it a holiday in thailand without a BUCKET, my friend. It was a half moon party and we stopped at Koh Phi Phi. A night to remember. haha..you know when you said, what happened in vegas stays in vegas?! this is it. you cannot know to much of what happened but what i can tell you is that this entire trips was also about meeting people from over the world and we've met dozen of people. This specific night, it was Freddy, Babyfin and myself with 3 south african buddy name Amanda, Paul and Nick, haha..anyway,we did it. We were the first 6 to be in that bar to start the night. Towards the end of the night, we were all over the place. haha... there was a mother and a daughter from sydney that we met too, and a guy from new york and also dubai. I remebered all 6 of us guys were havin a shot of "soul" in a bar and after that, im far gone. haha.. Woke up in the morning realised that i lost my phone, my wallet and on top of that, my roomie lost his pants which he was wearing that night on our way back so he was walking around with his neon orange brief the whole time. I love you for that. :)
"The Beach Movie" was created at maya bay and This is it, i made it through! Swim across the oceans. NOT..haha..Too bad we didn't took much of a photo that day. The night before this was a wild night out and we had a very awful hang over the next day. HAHAHA... So therefore, we forget to charged the battery so I'm sorry people. Hope there will be next time so i can take a better shots but these are all you got for now folks.
Leaving from Phi Phi Island to Maya Bay. It took us about 20-30minutes ride on a boat and it was scary during that time cause the currents of the ocean was not good for us. Camera Shut and we had to grab on to something until we reached there.

This is when we were just reaching Maya Bay and my god, it was the most beautiful sight I've seen in my life. The ocean was so blue and the sand was so white. We spent 4 hours on the island, just walking around the forest and snorkelling with the fishes. It would have been more fun if we all were not still hungover. lol.

So we continued the journey again, leaving Koh Phi Phi Island and heading to Krabi town. We were having so much fun that we wanted to stay another night in Koh Phi Phi, but we were on a time crunch and had to move our asses. By this time, we all couldn't wait to get to Koh phangan. The Full moon party was in Koh Phangan. Watch out for that cause you are about to witness the most amazing adventure of all time. Lol.

From now onwards - "until we get to Koh Phangnan" , we missed a lot of pictures because we were really tired from the trip. Everyday, most of the time, we were moving from one place to another and we forget to charge the battery again. It was not a pain in the ass, its just hard to keep up.

Leaving To Krabi.

Oh yeah, KOH PHANGAN ISLAND. My favourite place of all time. F*ck I had the best time ever. I still can't get over it. Late 2008's, would've been the best time to be there. Hundreds and thousands of people from all over the world, travelled to this small island, mostly because of the legendary "Full Moon Party (FMP)". Just imagine a room full of the craziest party people you know, in addition to that.. the key was thrown to the ocean. Pure insanity and madness is what's gonna happen. Haha. It's a place where it was hardcore party 24/7... REAL TALK. I can't really put them into words so i guess, the pictures will speak for itself. But before that, let me start with the arriving. We reached the pier at 6 am in the morning and we were immediately attacked by those thai -. haha it was a good laugh for the morning.

So, we stayed at this place called "Rainbow Bungalow". I fell in love with it the moment I laid eyes on it .. It was beautiful. Staying at a wooden house just by the beach, makes it PERFECT. We had friendly neighbours all around add it with a cold Chang beer, a smoke and alil bit of Mush-Mush. Woooooo! haha. 

Rainbow Bungalow @ KOH PHANGAN ISLAND

Just after unpacking and settling into the bungalow, Babyfina and I walked 2km to rent a scooter. We drove all around the city, just being tourists. After cruising and memorising the island, we went Elephant trekking and saw the most adorable monkey in the world.

Shiva Moon Party
Towards the night, we headed to a Party which was located in the jungle called the Shiva Moon Party. The setting for this event was off the hook, it was filled with florescent light and it makes you glow. I've been to a lot of event, but it was never like this.

F.M.P. @ Hat Rin
We ride the scooter up down the hills to get here. And the night itself was going to be a warm up event at Hat Rin. It's where an Original Full Moon Party is located. On the afternoon, the beach was already happening. People were just lying around the sands, getting tanned. Jet skies, Para sailing and etc.

A Pre Night of Full Moon Party. We went off with our neighbour at first. 3 ladies from U.K. and ended up hanging out with a big crowd this night. We also met 3 guys which we get along with, Gavin, Paul and Ron. haha.. The night for me was about getting to know each other and it was fun. We spent a lot of good quality time at that short period of days until we left. We started hanging out with Gavin, Paul and Ron until the following day. haha..

Full Moon Party 12-12-08
ORIGINAL HAD RIN FULL MOON PARTY 2008!! YES, we finally made it. It was such a crazy night. We didn't know what to expect but when we arrived... Wow. The beach was packed and a lotta fire activities going on.. Fire poi, fire chain, fire limbo, etc.

The next morning, YES, we were still there. We watched the beautiful sunrise, we watched naked drunks jump naked into the water, the people who passed out wake up not knowing where they were. Haha It was a very memorable experience, will always remember it :)

ORIGINAL HAD RIN FULL MOON PARTY 2008!! YES, we finally made it. It was such a crazy night. We didn't know what to expect but when we arrived... Wow. The beach was packed and a lotta fire activities going on.. Fire poi, fire chain, fire limbo, etc.

The next morning, YES, we were still there. We watched the beautiful sunrise, we watched naked drunks jump naked into the water, the people who passed out wake up not knowing where they were. Haha It was a very memorable experience, will always remember it :)