I just wanna give a strong RUSTY JABB BORN DAY SHOUT OUTS. These born day shout outs are for the following hip hop/r and b celebrities of the month of february.
M. C. Lupe Fiasco who celebrated his born day on monday, Feb. 16th Rapper/producer, Andre "Dr Dre" Young who celebrated his 44th born day on wednesday, Feb. 18th and 2day (Feb. 21st) Singer, Rihanna is celebrating her 21st born day. Let's wish dem all a RUSTY JABBZ BORN DAY KNOCKOUT! (No pun intended, Rihanna)
We all know about a week ago, Rihanna suffered a brutal domestic violence attack by her boyfriend, Ike Turner Jr BKA Chris Brown. Why, young Ike would do such a horrible act one can only say, HE'S A BEEE-AAATCH! Don't you know that a real man doesn't lay their hand on a female even if the female is wrong. Take it from me, I can't even count the amount of broads I wanted to lay fist to face on but I maintained. Instead of risking my freedom and career, I would let my jump offs to do my dirty work for me. Hey, believe u me a jump off can do a whole lot more for a brutha than just sex. See Ike jr. by u doing this u just ruined ur career. How can u sing abt being a ladies man when u hit lady. Wait, I get it now its a music industry publicity stunt thing aint it. Since Neyo is the Gentlemen of the Year, u wanna b the Gangsta of the year. I see clearly now, Jive records lost the always controversial R. Kelly so now its Chris Brown's turn. (Controversial singer in training) I wonder if they got a reality show for that. Speaking of reality shows its time to break out the Hammer pants cuz M. C. Hammer is coming back to the industry but this time with his own reality show on a A & E. The show is scheduled to be aired later this year. Fortunate for me, I never threw away my Hammer pants its been sitting on my dining room table as a table cloth for the last 19 years.
I wanna acknowledge the February DEATHIVERSARIES: I wanna give a 10 year deathiversary shout to Harlem's Finest, Lamont "Big L" Coleman who died on Feb. 15, 1999. The only and still the dopest emcee to ever come out of Harlem. (Dats a dam shame, its been 10 years and aint no emcee filled his shoes yet.)
My next DEATHIVERSARY Shout out goes Christopher "Big Dog Punisher" Rios. We're celebrating his 9th year deathiversary. Big Pun was one of the most lyrically gifted and agile emcee I ever known. Why to be so "HUGE" (and I emphasize the word HUGE) and spit and move so quickly thats a gift and of course his curse was over eating but need less to say, Big Pun is forever remembered and the music still bumps on the ghetto streets across the world.
A MESSAGE FROM DJ HANDSPIN TO BIG L AND BIG PUN: I know u guys are in heaven, well I hope if not, then thats yall fault yall aint make it to threw the pearly gates. Anyway I just wanna say, if there are any whack emcees in heaven. I hope yall destroying them on Jesus's Platinum Mic. You know alotta emcees have passed away a couple of years after yall so if you happen to run into them. U know burn em 1 time in the name of HIP HOP! And tell BIG and PAC, I said whuts up.
Anyway, this have been Dj Handspin Dinero, The Party Rocker, Show Stopper and The Hater Writer Annihilator. Until next time Love, Peace, Chronic Buds and Period Blood.