文章編號: 27245
文章日期: 2010/11/8 上午 12:38:44
文章人氣: 799
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在紐約四天 去了很多觀光客該去的地方
收拾起玩心 要開始上學了
昨晚剛到的時候 有一種未知 害怕 然後想哭哭的感覺
原來一個人到外地真的會有這種思鄉情懷 還好我不是一個人
因為我的心裡住了好多愛我的朋友 家人 所以 我相信一切都會漸入佳境的
請大家也不要擔心我 都要三十歲的人了
我是大人囉 呵呵
Translation by wyn0602 @ http://chunellafc.phpbb9.com
Four days in NY, went to a lot of places that a tourist would go
It's time to set aside having fun and start attending classes
Here it is Sunday noon right now
I can still rest for one more day
Last night when I just arrrived, I had the urge to cry from fear of the unknown
Turns out when a person goes abroad, one really do experience this type of homesick feeling
Luckily I am not alone
Because in my heart lived many friends and family members who love me
Therefore I believe that everything will only get better
So please do not worry about me, everyone
Afterall, I am almost 30 years old
I am all grown-up, hoho
Weibo Updates:
(Translation by ellaholic: Thank Naya for the rich healthy breakfast! I am going to the school for registration! so exciting! KaKaKa!)
Day1 in school!看到老爸老媽一把年紀了,也是努力學習玩微博,練打字,只為能跟他們的子女更親近,更零距離,所以我也要努力練好我的英文,帶爸媽去更多地方!我會加油,不會誏你們失望的,爸媽,我愛你們!
It's good too see Ella doing well in New York. =D Always take care Baobei! Miss yah! ;))