Rusty Jabbz is still in the building waging WAR on XX smel L.
Your magazine smell cuz yall full of shit. Perhaps its the articles printed in the current issue (May 2009) Or maybe your shit cuz I wiped my ass with the pages.
Dj Handspin still aiming darts at XXL for trying to crush New York. All industry faggots say that New York is so routine. Well the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
You say, we do not put out the party records like we used too (The Renaissance Bad Boy Era)
There have been plenty of noteworthy emcees to quote on quote claim that NEW YORK KING OF RAP y' all so desperately want us to capture. I don't know who works at these labels. I don't know what your looking for at these labels. But 1 thing I do know and you need to know is to learn your artists before you sign them to a record deal. Come let's before real ATLANTIC, Saigon and Pretty Toney doing a collabo together, "YEAH RIGHT!" Thats like Tim Dog and Immature doing a collabo together. You fake executives don't really know what the artists on your label and what their particular style hip hop is and you wonder why your projects FLOP! We can't all be party emcees and rapping about nonsense, especially in these economical times. I tell you though since you New York to come, how about the '80s CRACK ERA with gunz, gangz and robberies. Nuthin' says welcome New York like 1980 Reagan administration street tales. Is that what you want, well thats whats coming.
Now let me ask you will that be NEW YORK enuff for yah. I don't wanna go on anymore on this topic, I just wanna end it with these 2 quotes one by a friend of mine, Jalil and one taken from Donna Cappa Goines aka Cappadonna.
"Something people don't know about New York is that it aint dead like people think. We never left. We will never leave. We are built for this. The industry just took the cameras off of us."
"We write lyrics that the streets like. We don't come with that bullshit that y' all thinking is right." Hook taken from "Pistachio" By Cappadonna, King Just & Lugar. Off the SLANG PROSTITUTION LP CHAMBER MUSIK RECORDS. WWW.CHAMBERMUSIK.COM