Currently Studying At Ngee Ann Polytechnic,Electric & Computer Engineering
A Fun,Kind,Helpful & Clever Person.
Loves Basketball,Bowling,Online Games,Dota-ing,Have Fun,Helping People
Simply knows a lot of things,You can ask him anything,he know he will tell you the answer.
A World Dictionary cause he knows too much.
5 Years In PPP.
Currently Single,Waiting for her to appear in his life.
HoKarHwee,join PPP after Joining the class of 2c.Simply a happy go lucky guy,the dictionary of PPP.
A very helpful and kind person.He love helping people whenever he can,
A very funny person who loves to joke around!
Karhwee is also known as MrKnowAll as he simply know a lot of things.
You can ask him things about studies,history,Computer and things that you want to know.
He may not give you the right answer but he will try to give you a answer.
Just finish his O Levels last year and went to Ngee Ann Polytechnic studying the course Computer Engineering.
The course suits him as he always love computer stuff.
Love to play basketball during secondary days,Very good at shooting as he has long arms & long legs.
Karhwee also love online games,whenever there is a new game,He will download and try it.
He can also spent all of his free times at his computer playing online games,Dota-ing.
He has also been with the PPP's since the early days at year two,seen a lot of PPP's.
A great member PPP is glad to have,although seldom out with the PPP's
But will join them out with fun whether he can.
Single currently but will find someone soon in his life and that girl will be lucky to be with him.
More Infomation will be updated and next member profile will be posted.