Friday, February 25, 2011

Yang Deng Kui 3 billion filming plan for next 5-years, Ella and Zaizai leading the way

Translation by sytwo of Zaizai's thread @ AF
Source: Apple Daily
Taken from: CEFC

It is really a rumor news for now since even the director himself admitted that he has given them the scripts but they are still in discussion. The only confirmed cast is Xiao Xiao Bin (who also recently made a movie with this same director). It seems that this movie is a remake of a previous famous movie called "Tian Sheng E-Tui" (Naturally a Couple) and it starred Xiao Bin-bin ie. XXb's father!!

Just a short background info - this director also shot Kung Fu Dunk and seems to like ZZ and LY10000Y quite a lot. He has even promoted LY10000Y before when he visited China to promote taiwan movies. Maybe this new film is a comedy, so that is why he thinks ZZ is a good cast for the male lead. But totally unsure if Ella is even considering this movie as I read before she already has a movie she is about to film in March (or April?). As for ZZ, we will have to wait and see Mr Chih's announcement since they seem to be looking at quite a number of scripts at the same time.

P.S. One more thing - this director is known to produce commercial films that does well at box office but not exactly for quality least not in the last few years. LOL!