Saturday, September 18, 2010

[FRH SuperHot] Xin Sheng Lyrics

This is the lyrics for Xin Sheng by Fahrenheit Fei Lun Hai. Pinyin + Chinese + English.


Xin Sheng

zui ba huan le xin de er duo huan le xin de
嘴巴換了新的 耳朵換了新的
Mouth changed to a new one, ears changed to new ones

yu gou de bi zi lai le tou fa huan le xin yan se
預購的鼻子來了 頭髮換了新顏色
The preordered nose came, hair changed to a new color

si diao ru men shou ce zi chuang xin de shou ze
撕掉入門手冊 自創新的守則
ripped of starter manual, self-created new rules

ji yin huan le xin ran se ling hun huan le xin qu ke
基因換了新染色 靈魂換了新軀殼
genes changed new chromosomes, soul changed to a new shell

zuo tian de wo yi si qu jin tian de wo gang luo di
昨天的我已死去 今天的我剛落地
The me from yesterday is dead, the me today just landed

shan chu le jiu de tai ji huo de le xin de xing ming
刪除了舊的胎記 獲得了新的姓名
deleted the old birthmark, received a new name

rang shuang shou fang diao hui yi qu zhua zhu xin xian wan ju
讓雙手放掉回憶 去抓住新鮮玩具
Let go memories from both of your hands, go grab new toys

huan ran yi xin de shen ti gui ling de nian ji
煥然一新的身體 歸零的年紀
A brand new body, an age turns back to zero

yi tian xie yi ben chuan ji mei yi tian chuang yi ge shi ji
一天寫一本傳記 每一天創一個世紀
Write a memoir a day, create a century everyday

dui shi jie chong man hao qi wo jiu shi wang jiu tan xin
對世界充滿好奇 我就是 忘舊貪新
Curious about the world, I'm just forgetting the old and liking the new

lei xian po le jiu geng xin ruo guan nian jiu le jiu diu qi
淚腺破了就更新 若觀念舊了就丟棄
Renew the lacrimal gland if it breaks, throw away your concept if it gets old

yi bei zi yi miao kai ji jin tian qi dan sheng xin de zi ji
一輩子一秒開機 今天起 誕生新的自己
Turn on myself that one second my whole life, starting today, give birth to the new self

ye kong huan le xin de di qiu huan le xin de
夜空換了新的 地球換了新的
Sky changed to a new one, earth changed to a new one

MP3 guan le xin ge wei kou ai shang xin cai se
MP3灌了新歌 胃口愛上新菜色
MP3 put in new songs, appetite likes new dishes

meng xiang na me duo ge chong man xin de zhuan zhe
夢想那麼多個 充滿新的轉折
So many dreams, with new turning points

mei yi tian dou shi xin sheng tian tian chang sheng ri kuai le
每一天都是新生 天天唱生日快樂
Everyday is a new start, singing happy birthday everyday

zuo tian de wo yi si qu jin tian de wo gang luo di
昨天的我已死去 今天的我剛落地
The me from yesterday is dead, the me today just landed

shan chu le jiu de tai ji huo de le xin de xing ming
刪除了舊的胎記 獲得了新的姓名
deleted the old birthmark, received a new name

rang shuang shou fang diao hui yi qu zhua zhu xin xian wan ju
讓雙手放掉回憶 去抓住新鮮玩具
Let go memories from both of your hands, go grab new toys

huan ran yi xin de shen ti gui ling de nian ji
煥然一新的身體 歸零的年紀
A brand new body, an age turns back to zero

[Repeat * 2x]

Pinyin lyrics by kimuchi08 @
Chinese lyrics credits to
Translation by KAY @
Please credit the translators if/when transferring elsewhere.