Magazine scans by ellaholic @ Baidu Ella

Same news but different source/translation:
Ella Chen's New Boyfriend is Exposed, Denies Bringing Girl to Motel
Source: UDN / Translated by: KAY @
Next magazine exposed in S.H.E, not only Selina Ren is currently dating someone, Ella Chen is photographed meeting boyfriend at night secretly. Whenever she is back to Taiwan, they will hold their chance of meeting each other. The report said Ella's mysterious boyfriend is Tommy Chao (趙士懿) and he is a rich mister in the finance industry. But as this relationship is exposed, the media recently photographed him driving a hot girl to motel with his Porsche.
As for the report above, Tommy Chao generously admitted to the magazine that he is indeed seriously dating Ella now. But he denied bringing girls to motel. He explained because he let his friend borrow his car, expressing the media just photographed his friend. As for Ella, she calmly expressed she and Tommy are just good friends.
Although Ella has an outgoing personality, but her love life has been rough. She was rumored with many people, including Wu Zun, Jerry Huang Zhi Wei Barron Chen Chu He. Good sister Selina already found her love, of course she would also hope Ella can find her Mr. Right.
The magazine reported Tommy's father is the former general manager of Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation. He was introduced to Ella through Selina's boyfriend Richard Chang (張承中). It's known the two has been secretly dating for more than a year.
I'm actually not in the mood to post anything since I'm quite upset about this news. I feel sad for Baobei also. I so hate Apple Daily!!!
I saw some photos of her arriving in Beijing (for DWL promotions) and she looks really tired and sad. Gahh, I hate Apple Daily and other people who always hurt Ella!
And this guy, why did he admit that he and Ella are really in a "serious relationship" but Ella just said that they are only friends?! On my opinion, he doesn't seem to be the type of guy Ella likes.
Apple claimed that they have been observing Ella and this guy for months but how come they don't even have a picture of them together? All the pictures they have on their magazine, they're not even together.
Oh, and just so you guys known, Ren Ma and Ren Pa (Selina's parents) posted this on their wiebo:
是這雙腳腳的主人,體貼又善解人意,可愛的小霸王,今天緋聞女主角。心疼她得面對這討厭的新聞,還是認真工作拍到三更半夜,一早又飛北京。就很捨不得她,陳艾拉 妳一定要堅強 追求妳的真愛。愛妳!

Translation by Betty @
"Today's rumor actress. It really hurts that she had to face such an irritating news and had to be serious in her work to shoot till in the middle of the night, and morning had to fly back to Bei Jing. Really very reluctant to her. Chen Jia Hua, you have to be strong and pursuit for your true love. Love you!"
They told her to pursue her true love meaning this one is fake. I'm not believing this until I hear Ella's response/ clarification.