Strictly The Best Fridays at DROM (NYC'S Brand new hot spot) 85 Avenue A bet. 5th and 6th streets Music bumping by some NYC's hottest reggae and soca sounds from Massive B's Bobby Konders and Jabba to Soca's #1 sound Dj Pitbull and Da Governor Noriega of Afrique. Ladies are free b4 12 with the mad crazy drink specials. For guestlist , comp entry and drink specials call/text 917 402 7718 and rsvp list strictlythebestfriday@gmail.com DRESS CODE IS STRICTLY STRICT! For further info and details see www.dromnyc.com
COLORS! COLORS! COLORS! Island Fever Saturdays at COLORS 417 Lafayette St. bet. Astor pl. and E. 4th St. NYC. The place where the soca and reggae jams bang from dusk till dawn. Music by Synco (formerly known as Steelie Bashment), King Crown and Notorious (formerly known as GB God Bless)
Rsvp list at reggaesats@gmail.com or call/text 917 402 7718