WAAAAh.. ane yg siuk neee... " bagaimana van-der-sar memasing kepada brown , brown menyepak ,!! gOOOOOOOooLolololoL !! gol yg di jaring kan oleh Brown!! hahahaha *apa rasanyeee* and moment time gol c BABEL !!! hahahah YEHAAAA!! lumpat lumpat gila nda sdar diri nda ingat dunia bah so excited.. aahha then time injury time.. kami start singing You'ill Never Walk Alone !! ... and liverpool liverpool liverpool.... hahaha yg di kepalai oleh si Emmy Sendiri sal ea apal the whole lyrics kami kira background singer sajaaa!!~ hahaha so fanatic eh fans liverpool ane.. we shud proud of that !!