Saturday, January 5, 2008


I understand people who know us known us as PPP's.
& for those who know us well will know what PPP exactly means. ;P
But today in this review,We are going into PPP's groups.
PPP Groups? Ya,In PPP's there is smaller groups formed by the members too.
As the groups is too big,members sure will have some whom are more closer with.
& smaller groups are formed,It's not 1 or 2 only.
It exactly reached more then 10.
Some will be special named by me in this review.
Some are those members named by their ownself.
& I will also included some formidable groups in PPP's sports history.
In our early years,PPP's played a lot of sports like Basketball,Soccer,Badminton,Sprinting bla bla.
So today the first post,Im gonna review the most formidable groups in PPP's sports history,
Formed by members and some groups are gonna review as the best invincible groups in PPP.
1 .暴 风 雷 雨 电

暴 风 雷 雨 电 is then PPP's best five in basketball,
These five are the no 1 in five v five match.
Led by 暴,Kawyi.
Then,kawyi can be said is the best player in PPP's.
Coming out fresh from primary school team,
Join the secondary sch team leading this group.
Supreme shooting range from 3 point like make him popular with it.
Follow by 暴. 风,Qixian is the second best in the team.
Always love to dribble into the basket,rebound and layout.
雷,Jianhui is third best in the group.
Have a nice shooting power and good in playing nice passing,teamwork.
雨,Eng Chaing da lao ban,Named fourth also a nice shooter from 3 point line.
Dont underestimate him,He can be aimless & He can be super aiming.
The last in the team is 电,Wilson.
Maybe some of you are unfamiliar with,The Ex member of PPP's.
Once a member of 暴 风 雷 雨 电, very good in dribble and And 1 pattern.
Have a nice stablity of dribbling.

Now 暴 风 雷 雨 电 may be a History Team ,
But maybe one day they will reunite and dominate the court again?

Beside 暴 风 雷 雨 电,Qixian had 2 sub teams with the members.
One is 金刚队,which is the best 3 v 3 team.
The members consists of Qixian,Kawyi,Jianhui.
Another one is 魔鬼队,The scariest team in 3 v 3.
Why called 魔鬼队,ask them.
This team always scare people winning great games.
It consists of QiXian,EngChaing,JianHui.

I will continue more on teams of basketball and even some other sports next.
Stay Tune people!