Im PPP-Jeremy,
I'm here to update the PPP blog after few months of non updates.
The rest of the Year 2007 for PPP will be fun,fun,fun!
There will quite a lot of outing at the end of the year.
One or two big ones is confirm to be brought out to you guys.
2 January 2008 will also be one biggest dates of PPP's calendar.
Do mark it down first,Anyone know what important day it is?
Hahas,Outing dates will be posted later on the next post.
Some possible one that is plan by me,Jianhui and Company.
You may suggest some too at the tagboard or feed back to tell us!
Engchaing,Jiayong,Karhwee,William and co you all must join us more!
I can confirm you guys with craps,fun and noise!
Check out for the outing possible dates planning which Im gonna write now!